Sound logoのBGM(インスト)
A category for posting copyright-free BGM music material for sound logos. A sound logo is music for a few seconds with a melody or sound effect attached to a company name or product name, etc., in order to impress a consumer or customer with the company name or product name.
I think that there are also many things familiar to the ear such as commercials of Intel and McDonald's. It has the effect of reminding the corporate image with the image and the set, and having the consumer remember it.
It can be used as a sound for use at the beginning or end of a program or commercial, or for use with the display of a logo. If you are looking for background music for the sound logo, you can find it in this sound logo category.

0:00 / 0:18

- ¥ 3,630
- No. 1286147
- YouTube安心

0:00 / 0:18

- ¥ 3,630
- No. 1286148
- YouTube安心

0:00 / 0:10

- ¥ 2,420
- No. 1286149
- YouTube安心