UndErgrOUnd tEchnO - rOAchEs pItchEs - Techno Wizard t__hiroto
Enjoy mY Underground Psychedelic Experimental Hyped & Wicked Techno Sounds.
" 30th century techno sounds "
cOLLApsE Of synApsE.
I'm a LUnAtIc rOAch.
I'm A LUnAtIc GEnIUs.
Verify me.
Composing stuffs :
*Roland Cakewalk Sonar8.5
*Roland Cakewalk AudioCreator1.5
*♪Rip!AudiCO FREE
full length sounds available
""" I'm goin' 2 drink myself 2 death w/
recollections of ex.
That's my best happiness. """
Keywords :
underground, techno, experimental, industrial, Detroit, hardcore, progressive, goa, psychedelic, psychic, trance, ambient, electro, electronic, electronica, queer, insane, weird, weirdo, wicked, hyped, surreal, lunatic, crazy, sick, panic, manic, intricate, anomaly, abstract, spooky, wacky, trippy, space, spacey, cosmic, noise, noisy, Japan, Japanese