Wedding entranceのBGM(インスト)
It is a category to post copyright free BGM music material that you can use in the entrance scene of the wedding. Organ / harp, dramatic music with strings and synthesizers, orchestral magnificent ballads, easy listening style, and Japanese style BGM that also suits Japanese style costumes such as Kamizen style, which will produce a glorious entrance scene. . Choose from a variety of tastes, such as cover music for classics, jazzy piano performances, brave guitar instrumental music, scratched hip-hop tones, and so on, so choose music that suits the bride and groom's hobbies. can do. If you are looking for a free background music for the wedding (wedding) admission scene, you can search from this wedding admission category.

0:00 / 3:49

- ¥ 3,630
- No. 1046325
- YouTube安心